Discovering Revelation Presents
Signs of the Second Coming" /> Discovering Revelation Presents
Signs of the Second Coming | Pottsville, Pennsylvania | Oct 8th, 2021" /> Discovering Revelation Presents Signs of the Second Coming | Pottsville, Pennsylvania | Oct 8th, 2021

Discovering Revelation Presents
Signs of the Second Coming

FREE Bible Prophecy Seminar Beginning Friday, October 8, 2021 at 7:00 pm EST

Prophecies from the Bible are unfolding right in front of our eyes. Government chaos. Natural disasters. War and sickness across the planet. Do these cataclysmic events point to a critical change coming in the near future? Learn to decipher the prophecies of the Bible and their warnings for today, discover America’s role in the final days, and find peace by understanding God’s plan in last-day events. This seminar is designed for anyone curious about the prophecies of the Bible or concerned by current world events.

Reasons to Join this Series:

  • Learn the key to unlocking the mysterious symbols in the book of Revelation
  • See proof of our place on the prophetic timeline
  • Discover signs torn from the pages of Revelation that are happening around the globe today

About the Speaker

For over twenty years, Lillian Torres’ work has inspired people to better understand the love and peace that comes from the gospel message. Lillian is a powerful speaker who is passionate about sharing the importance of Bible prophecy as it relates to current world events. Her clear and concise messages build trust in the words of the Bible. This seminar is perfect for any level of interest—from curious non-Christian to life-long dedicated Bible student.

This is a FREE EVENT for the whole community!

  • FREE Admission & Parking
  • FREE Study Materials
  • FREE Giveaways
  • FREE BOOK: Final Empire for those who pre-register

This Event Has Concluded

Friday, October 8, 2021
at 7:00 pm